Change to shingle roof

Roofing Repair in Florida: Before & After the Storm

“Did your roof survive the last hurricane?” In Florida, this is not just a casual question—it’s a critical concern for many homeowners each hurricane season.

Roofs play a vital role in protecting homes from the elements, but they are often the first to suffer damage during a storm.

We’ll run through the necessary steps to assess, document, and repair your roof after hurricane damage, ensuring you can restore safety and normalcy to your home quickly and efficiently.

Initial Damage Assessment

Visual Inspection

Before climbing onto your roof, which can be dangerous, start with a visual inspection from the ground. Use a pair of binoculars if available to get a closer look. Focus on identifying the following signs of damage: roof repair needs like missing shingles, ridge damage, and debris.

  • Missing Shingles: Note any areas where shingles have been blown away or damaged. This can expose your roof to water infiltration.
  • Ridge Damage: Look at the ridge lines of your roof. These high points are susceptible to strong winds and may show signs of wear or breakage.
  • Debris: Check for debris that may have impacted the roof. Large branches or other objects can cause significant damage that needs immediate attention.

Safety Precautions

Safety should be your top priority when inspecting your roof:

  • Avoid Climbing: If your roof appears severely damaged, do not attempt to go up. This can be hazardous, especially if the structural integrity is compromised.
  • Use Proper Footwear: If you must go onto the roof for a closer inspection after a preliminary ground check, wear shoes with good traction to prevent slips.
  • Ladder Safety: Always use a stable ladder, secure it properly, and have someone assist you by holding the ladder while you climb.
  • Wait for Good Weather: Never inspect a roof during bad weather conditions. Wait until the weather clears and the roof is dry to avoid any accidents.

Taking these steps for an initial damage assessment can help you understand the extent of repairs needed and is essential for accurately reporting damage to your insurance company or a roofing professional.

Temporary Damage Mitigation

Temporary Coverings

After a hurricane, acting swiftly to prevent further water damage is critical.

As a roofing contractor in Florida, I recommend using heavy-duty tarps or thick plastic sheeting for covering damaged areas of your roof temporarily.

Here’s the best way to apply these coverings:

  • Select Heavy-Duty Materials: Choose materials that can withstand Florida’s often harsh weather conditions following a hurricane.
  • Secure Installation: Anchor the tarps with wood strips along the edges to prevent them from being blown away by post-storm winds or regular gusts. Ensure the edges overlap and are thoroughly sealed to keep out any water.
  • Proper Coverage: Make sure the tarp extends over the roof’s ridge and down to the eaves to prevent any water from penetrating underneath—this is crucial in Florida, where rain can follow shortly after a hurricane.

Contacting a certified roofing contractor

Temporary fixes can prevent immediate damage, but it’s essential to have a professional assessment to understand the full extent of repair needed:

  • Why Hire Certified Contractors: As a certified roofing contractor, we are familiar with Florida’s building codes and the challenges posed by hurricane season. This allows us to provide an accurate assessment of your roof’s condition.
  • Safety and Expertise: Our team is equipped with the necessary tools and safety gear to perform roof evaluations and repairs safely and effectively. This is crucial in post-hurricane scenarios where damage may not be immediately apparent.
  • Navigating Insurance Claims: Working with a professional roofing contractor helps ensure that all repairs and assessments are documented correctly, which is vital for handling insurance claims.

Documentation and Insurance Claims

Documenting the Damage

Proper documentation is essential for facilitating the insurance claims process after hurricane damage. As a roofing contractor, we recommend the following steps to effectively document the extent of the damage:

  • Take Comprehensive Photos: Capture clear, detailed photos of all damaged areas of the roof. Include wide shots to show the extent of the damage and close-up shots for specific issues like missing shingles or damaged flashing.
  • Make Detailed Notes: Alongside photos, make detailed notes describing the damage. Include the date of the hurricane and the date of the inspection. Note any immediate temporary repairs that have been applied.
  • Create a Damage List: Compile a comprehensive list of all damaged areas and affected materials. This will be useful for both the insurance claim and when planning repairs.

Insurance Claim Process

Navigating the insurance claim process can be daunting, but understanding what to expect can make it smoother:

  • Contact Your Insurance Company: Notify your insurer as soon as possible about the damage. Most policies require prompt reporting, and delays can affect the coverage.
  • Review Your Policy: Familiarize yourself with the specifics of your insurance policy—know what types of damage are covered, any applicable deductibles, and the process for filing a claim.
  • Submit Documentation: Provide your insurer with all the documentation you’ve prepared—photos, notes, and the damage list. This detailed record will support your claim and help ensure that you receive appropriate compensation.
  • Adjuster’s Inspection: An insurance adjuster will likely visit your home to assess the damage independently. Be present during the inspection to discuss your findings and ensure all damage is thoroughly evaluated.
  • Claim Processing: After the adjuster’s visit, your claim will be processed based on the adjuster’s report and your submitted documentation. This can take time, so maintain communication with your insurance company to track the progress of your claim.

To ensure the process is handled correctly according to the laws and regulations specific to Florida, especially in the context of hurricane damage, consulting with an insurance expert or a lawyer specialized in insurance claims is advisable.

Prevention and Preparation for Future Hurricanes

Improvements and Reinforcements

Strengthening your roof to withstand future hurricanes is a crucial investment for homeowners in Florida, where hurricanes are a regular threat. Here are some proven options for reinforcing your roof:

  • Hurricane Straps and Clips: These metal fasteners can significantly increase the roof’s resistance to high winds by securely attaching the roof structure to the walls of the house.
  • Impact-Resistant Shingles: Investing in shingle roofs that are designed to resist impact from flying debris and endure extreme wind conditions can help prevent damage.
  • Sealant and Waterproofing: Applying a high-quality roof sealant can prevent water from penetrating your home, while waterproof underlayment is an additional barrier that can be installed beneath the shingles for extra protection.

Regular Inspections and Maintenance

Consistent inspections and maintenance are key to ensuring that your roof remains in good condition and can stand up to the rigors of hurricane season:

  • Annual Inspections: Have a professional roofing contractor conduct thorough inspections of your roof at least once a year before hurricane season begins. This can help identify potential vulnerabilities or minor damages that could become serious under hurricane conditions.
  • Clear Gutters and Drains: Keep gutters and drains clear of debris to prevent water buildup, which can lead to water damage and weaken the roof structure over time.
  • Trim Trees and Secure Loose Items: Trim trees close to your home to reduce the risk of branches falling onto the roof during a storm. Secure or store outdoor objects that could become airborne and cause damage in high winds.

Implementing these improvements and maintaining regular roof inspections can significantly reduce the risk of severe damage during hurricanes. These measures not only protect the structural integrity of your home but also potentially lower insurance premiums by mitigating risk. For homeowners in Florida, investing in these preventative measures is a strategic move to safeguard your property against the inevitable hurricane threats.


Getting ready for hurricane season in Florida is essential to protect your home and family. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can assess your roof for damage after a storm, take steps to mitigate further damage, and efficiently navigate the insurance claim process. Remember, safety should always be your top priority. If you have any doubts about the condition of your roof, don’t hesitate to reach out to professionals.Principio del formulario

At Green Roofing & Solar, we have the experience and local knowledge to help you protect your home from hurricanes. We offer free inspections, quality roof repair, and roof reinforcement solutions so you can face hurricane season with peace of mind. Contact us today for a free consultation!